Extended: July 11 - 15, 2022

Let's get Started Reading Your chart!

Extended: July 11 - 15, 2022

Finally, Permission to Be ME!!!  Thanks to Astrology I no longer dim my fire, I have stopped playing small and I have given up people-pleasing. It feels so GOOD!

Now I finally understand why things happened in my life.  I don't know why but it feels better just knowing that it was all part of a divine plan and part of my learning journey. 


Astrology is on fire 🔥 and I am not surprised. Years ago, people viewed astrology as entertainment or woo-woo craziness. 

Now people are finally catching on to what a powerful tool astrology can be for self-discovery, but perhaps you already knew that 😍

Maybe the only thing that has been holding you back is thinking it is way too complicated. No worries, I've got you covered.

During my upcoming FREE 3 Day Challenge I am going to share my SIMPLE Astro Navigator system so you can:

✅ Become more self-aware
✅ Plan for the future with confidence
✅ Improve the relationships with your loved ones
✅ Have greater success in your business or career 

Do not miss this opportunity! 

Register today and begin learning the language of astrology while discovering what your chart says about you 🧐

In Just 3 Short Days You Will Discover:

How To Read Your Chart

No more struggling to figure out all those crazy symbols inside the circle of your birth chart!  Learn all about the 12 houses, zodiac signs, the planets and more!

You Are More Than Your Sun Sign

You probably know your sun sign and you may even google about how it gets along with other signs.  The truth is you are so much greater than just your sun sign!  Every planet and every sign is part of your story!

How The Planets Influence Us

Just as the moon pulls the tides in and out, all of the planets of an influence on our lives. As above, so below.  Learn how each of the planets influences us

The Secret to Improving Your Relationships

Do you sometimes feel like you get along like oil and water?  Perhaps it is not actually oil but fire and water, or earth and air.  Once you learn how to read your partners chart you can begin to take steps to improve your relationship.

How To Read Your Chart

No more struggling to figure out all those crazy symbols inside the circle of your birth chart!  Learn all about the 12 houses, zodiac signs, the planets and more!

You Are More Than Your Sun Sign

You probably know your sun sign and you may even google about how it gets along with other signs.  The truth is you are so much greater than just your sun sign!  Every planet and every sign is part of your story!

How The Planets Influence Us

Just as the moon pulls the tides in and out, all of the planets of an influence on our lives. As above, so below.  Learn how each of the planets influences us

The Secret to Improving Your Relationships

Do you sometimes feel like you get along like oil and water?  Perhaps it is not actually oil but fire and water, or earth and air.  Once you learn how to use the key for yourself you can apply it to all your relationships!

Meet Your Host

Debbie has been in love with astrology her whole life. After retiring from 25+ years in Management Consulting, she now dedicates her time to empowering women on their journey of self-discovery so they can achieve their personal goals with confidence and clarity.  

Her AAA Astro Navigator System™ used inside her courses and programs, guides students on a transformational journey while they have fun learning astrology.

When not teaching, doing readings or helping other spiritual entrepreneurs grow their business, you can find Debbie on the golf course, skiing down the mountain or traveling the world as she checks off more places on her bucket list. 

If you are ready to learn how astrology can help you become more self-aware so you can make a greater impact in your life, save your seat for the 
Journey Into Astrology Challenge

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the challenge
The challenge begins on Monday, July 11 at 12pm EST through Wednesday, July 13.  There is also a possibility of bonus days 😍
How long is each session
Each live session will begin at 12pm EST and last approximately 30 minutes
Will there be a replay
Yes, when you register for the challenge you will have access to the replays for a limited time.  
Where will the challenge be held
The challenge will be held in a private Facebook™ group for participants only.  After you register you will receive a link to the private group both on the confirmation page and in an email.
What if I am brand new to astrology
No worries.  This challenge is geared towards newbies, so you are in the perfect place to get started.
What if I don't know my birthtime
No worries.  You it is not necessary for you to have your birthtime for these workshops
How much does the challenge cost
It is FREE.  It is my gift to you as I want everyone to have the chance to understand how astrology can help improve their life and see that astrology can be made fun and easy.

Have You felt drawn to learn astrology?

I felt that very same pull.  Once I was introduced to astrology there was no turning back.  I did everything I could to learn more and more.  I started learning on my own, I hired my very first mentor, I took courses from many famous astrologers.  I did readings for every person I knew and every stranger I met.  

Last year was hard on many, but it was actually my greatest blessing.  Last year gave me the opportunity to take all I had gathered over the past 7 years and compile it into an easy to learn program that I could share with you.  My goal was to create a program that cut through all the technical jargon, and allowed people to get transformational results starting in week 1!
The first Journey Into You program was launched in May 2020 and has been helping people all around the world to learn astrology.  With their new self awareness they were able to take control of their life, begin living their purpose, and have more compassion for themselves and others!

Up until right now this program was only offered in small groups with live weekly sessions. This is the first time ever it is being offered in a flexible, go at your own flow and still be supported.  

Sometimes we like to do things on our own before we jump in with others.

Most astrology classes can feel overwhelming as they spend lots of time on technical jargon.  The Journey Into You is geared towards transformation (not just information).  Each week you will have direction to take action and immediately implement changes in your life

You will find self-love as you begin to understand yourself better than you could ever have imagine.  Giving yourself permission slips to embrace your extraordinary self and prescription slips to bring your life back in balance

You will find confidence and inner strength you didn’t realize you had but was actually always inside

You will be given the chance to end your current story and start a new chapter! (That is correct, no re-writing here, that is in the past, it is time for a plot twist!)
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